Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Silver Polishing, Anyone?

I have lots of clients with beautiful silver collections.  Frequently these pieces are family heirlooms. Every time a big party looms and I'm called to tune up the house I hear a lament about the silver.  It's beautiful but tarnished.  Polishing silver is a great job for older kids who'd like to earn some extra money.  But lacking a pre-teen in your household or a staff of servants, the task is likely to fall on your shoulders.  The above holder is a great way to keep your silver ever ready to dazzle.  You can even find large containers designed to hold a full service for 12.  You can also find covers for the large serving pieces.  You might have to noodle around the internet and check out sites like The Container Store or even E Bay but in the end it will be worth it.  Taking care of a task like this on a warm summer afternoon reaps huge dividends when Fall comes and the mad dash for the holidays starts.  Plan on feeling a bit smug about your organizing skills! 

1 comment:

  1. Actually, one of the best ways to keep silver untarnished is to use it a lot. Regular washing helps to prevent tarnishing.
