Thursday, August 22, 2013

Decision Fatigue

My sweet boy Charlie is allowing me to share this photo of him zonked out after a good play session.  I told him he looked just like my clients after we finish an organizing project that involves a lot of intense decision making. I am not the person who invented the phrase 'decision fatigue' but over the past 22 years I have experienced it many times.  My clients are even more exhausted than I am because they are making decisions about things they have an emotional attachment to and this ups the ante. Know going into any organizing project that you will feel fatigued at the end and prepare for it. Get a good night's sleep the night before and have a healthy meal before you begin.  Drink lots of water, have healthy snacks handy and plan a reward.  Charlie's reward was a good, long belly rub! What will yours be?

1 comment:

Susan L. Curtin said...

Did Charlie pick out his "bed"? He looks so adorable and content. So when is moving day?

What type of information would you most like to find here?

June 2009, in China

June 2009, in China
At the Summer Palace outside Beijing