The Top 5 Reasons Why Going Paperless Can Help You Reduce Stress
Theres is a lot of discussion these days about how technology can add stress to our lives. But just like anything else, there are always two sides to the story, and it’s true that technology can also be very helpful. One way you can use technology to improve your life is by going paperless. Digital organization tools like Springpad are great for replacing paper. You can use it to create to-do lists, jot down notes or create recipe books, just to name a few of its features. Plus, it does it all without using a single piece of paper - all you need is a smartphone, tablet or computer! Here are the top 5 reasons why going paperless can help remove stress from your life:
1. All of your notes in one place
Paper is easy to misplace. We often make multiple to-do lists, only to lose track of one or more of them and having to recreate them from memory. This can cause unnecessary stress, forcing you to worry about where everything is. When you replace paper with digital tools like Springpad, you can keep all of your tasks and notes in one place, so you’ll never have to wonder where you wrote down that shopping list.
2. Reduces waste
Man-made waste has become a serious problem in the modern world and although paper recycling has become more prominent, the issue still remains. Going paperless limits your contribution to this problem, which can improve your overall happiness. Do good, feel good!
3. Easy to search for old documents
Using your computer to save documents instead of keeping them in boxes or drawers can help make your files easier to find. Reduce stress by not having to worry wear you’ve filed away old papers.
4. Saves space
Getting rid of all that paper means getting rid of the things you used to store them in, which can free up a lot of space in your home. Maintaining clear spaces where you live is wonderful for you overall well-being and happiness.
5. Saves money
Paper costs money. When you go paperless, you’ll rarely ever need to pick up stationery, notepads or extra writing utensils again! All those little costs add up, but getting rid of them will free up a little extra money to save or use for the things that matter most!