Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Progress Not Perfection

I had no idea I'd find this exact phrase on Pinterest.  It came to me recently while working with a dog trainer.  My new puppy Charlie is putting me through my paces.  He knows just how to press every button and make my issues stare me in the face waiting to see if I will put on my 'big girl pants' and deal with them or run away. We can run but we certainly can't hide.  Your issues stay with you until you work your way through them and release their hold over you. 

I've watched every episode of The Dog Whisperer.  I've read Cesar Millan's book and follow him on Social Media.  I grew up with a dog and had two Golden Retrievers as an adult.  How could a 17 pound puppy so resist my attempts to be the Pack Leader?  It was comforting to learn from the trainer that assuming the role of Pack Leader can take up to a year to learn.  I felt the same frustration and disappointment my clients feel when confronted with out of control chaos in their home and work environments.  I tell them it's one day, one step, one breath at a time.  Why couldn't I be that kind to myself? And that's when 'progress not perfection' came to me.

If you have issues about the level of organization in your home or how well you 'do' the holidays or if you are driven up the wall by your relatives, guess what? When you change the game plan inside your own being the world will shift to accommodate what you just created inside yourself.  But don't expect miracles.  If the rooms you share with others this holiday season look great but you know the master bedroom is a disaster congratulate yourself on your progress.  Last year the entire house looked like a bomb went off, right?  If Uncle Harry doesn't drive you up the wall until dessert time, be thankful for the hour of peace you allowed. No matter what challenge we face in life it's always about progress and not perfection.  The latter is a fantasy; the former moves us to new ways of being, higher self esteem and more freedom.

What challenge will you face this holiday season?  I'd love to hear about your progress.  In the meantime Charlie and I will be practicing rules and manners.  He turns 10 months on November 19, 2013.

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