Friday, June 21, 2013

Lunch Time on Organizing Day

You're finally doing it.  You've weeded through the unwanted debris in the kitchen cupboards, your clothes closet or maybe the dreaded garage. Now just as you prepare to take the next step you feel a bit lightheaded.  Darn! You're hungry and just don't feel you can stop.  I've got a great meal in a glass for you.  It will sustain you for hours and is filled with more good things than you can shake a stick at. You  can whip it up in minutes and sip it during the afternoon.  It's thick, filling and nutritious.  You will of course have to get your ingredients during the week.  If you have to stop and drive to the store all is lost!  Feel free to modify to suit your personal taste. But do use one frozen fruit in place of water. You want fiber not filler.

                                        The Official Zen Organizer Smoothie

  • 1/2 cup almond milk and 1/2 cup coconut milk, both plain and unsweetened. (These are great non-dairy sources of calcium and protein.)
  • 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon each: vitamin C crystals, Maca, and Chia seeds (Vit. C promotes cell repair, Maca regulates hormones and Chia is an excellent source of fiber)
  • 1/2 to 1 tablespoon Flax seed oil for heart health
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup of Fage Greek Yogurt, 2% fat (I add 2 drops of Stevia).  This is an amazing source of protein, calcium and probiotics.
  • 1/2 cup plain tofu (another great source of protein). Use one scoop of protein powder if you prefer
  • 1 banana
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup frozen mango (take out of the freezer about 5 minutes before you start).  This will add fiber and vitamins and replace the need for water. 
Put the milk into the carafe and add the vitamin C, Maca, Flax seed oil and chia seeds.  Blend.

Stir in the yogurt and tofu and blend.

Next add the banana and blend.

Finally add the mango.  Pulse a few times so you break up the frozen mango without damaging the blades. You'll be able to hear when the frozen bits have been pulverized.  Lunch is served!

I use a small single serving mixer so I can drink out of the carafe and save a step and some time.  The Magic Bullet is the most famous version.  If you need to pick one up go to Bed Bath and Beyond and use one of their ubiquitous 20% off coupons. You can find them on line, in your mail box or with the Sunday newspaper.  Save your receipt because BBB will give you a replacement if something goes wrong.  And unless there's a sudden change in store policy those coupons are accepts long after the printed expiration date.

The ingredients are all found at your local supermarket.  I shop at a Trader Joe's that's 2 blocks from my home.  Maca Powder is the exception.  It's a bit on the expensive side and you need to go to a specialty market like Whole Foods or Mother's to find it.  The upside is it lasts a long time so the per serving cost is low.   You can also find it on line at a discount site like Vita Cost.  I learned about Maca from Dr. Oz. 

Finally you can make changes over time to keep your smoothie fresh for your taste buds.  If I don't have tofu I use Hemp protein powder.  If I'm tired of mango I might try frozen berries.  And you can always adjust the ingredients to make the drink thinner.  I like mine so thick you could eat it with a spoon!  Let me know how you like it and if you tweaked the recipe.

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